directing duo and high school sweethearts, these impossibly imaginative, world building gods are equally versed in live action, VFX and animation. their eye watering craft founded on technical mastery makes them one of the world’s most in demand duos. recent clients include The Sims, Barclays, McDonald’s, and Apple.


maxime mboa’s work is stunning and distinct. he blends collage digital art with glitch edits, bringing a unique vision to his creations. from yaounde, cameroon, he is exploding in popularity. recent clients include Adobe, Adidas, the New Yorker and the Africa Cup of Nations.


malick’s incredible hyperlapse videos have gone viral multiple times over. his unique flare for the unexpected elevates his work in this cutting edge field. Combining in camera tricks, complex editing timelines and ai art, he constantly pushes the boundaries of cool

Be Fernandez

Be Fernandez

be fernandez brings to life cheerful scenes with bright colors, sharp contrasts. her work has a certain Neo-Pop aesthetic with a nod to the 80s. her work can be translated to animation too! her clients include nike, disney, maybeliene, vogue, porsche, motorola, coca cola, lacoste, footlocker and many more